1.北京中医药大学东直门医院 北京 100700
刘运泽, 郑浩呈, 李园, 等. 基于“邪伏肠络”理论探讨结直肠“炎癌转化”的动态演变机制及治疗思路[J]. 北京中医药大学学报, 2024,47(10):1343-1348.
LIU Yunze, ZHENG Haocheng, LI Yuan, et al. Dynamic evolution mechanism and treatment ideas of colorectal " inflammation-mediated carcinogenesis" based on the " latent pathogens trapped in the intestinal collaterals" theory[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2024,47(10):1343-1348.
刘运泽, 郑浩呈, 李园, 等. 基于“邪伏肠络”理论探讨结直肠“炎癌转化”的动态演变机制及治疗思路[J]. 北京中医药大学学报, 2024,47(10):1343-1348. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-2157.2024.10.002.
LIU Yunze, ZHENG Haocheng, LI Yuan, et al. Dynamic evolution mechanism and treatment ideas of colorectal " inflammation-mediated carcinogenesis" based on the " latent pathogens trapped in the intestinal collaterals" theory[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2024,47(10):1343-1348. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-2157.2024.10.002.
The risk of colorectal cancer is substantially higher in patients with long-term colorectal inflammation than in the general population. Prolonged inflammation is an essential factor that triggers colorectal cancer. The dynamic pathological evolution process of the classic " inflammation-mediated carcinogenesis" in the colorectum is proctocolitis→dysplasia→cancer. Traditional Chinese medicine lacks a systematic consensus on the pathogenesis of colorectal " inflammation-mediated carcinogenesis". This article proposes the theory of " pathogenic factors lurk intestinal collaterals" to explain the development law of pathogenesis in the dynamic evolution of colorectal " inflammation-mediated carcinogenesis". Internal and external factors can trigger the movement of the latent pathogenic factors
thereby damaging the intestinal tissues
when latent pathogenic factors are hidden in the intestinal collaterals
and the healthy qi is unable to expel them. The prolonged course of the disease further weakens the healthy qi
allowing the latent pathogenic factors to accumulate in the intestinal collaterals
intertwine with phlegm-dampness and blood stasis
accelerate accumulation
and lead to cancer. " Latent pathogens trapped in the intestinal collaterals" is the core pathogenesis during inflammation-mediated carcinogenesis. Thus
to prevent colorectal inflammation-mediated carcinogenesis
consideration should be given to the principle of driving away pathogenic factors and dredging the collaterals in clinical practice. The theory regarding " latent pathogens trapped in the intestinal collaterals" can provide a theoretical reference for syndrome differentiation and treating colorectal inflammation-mediated carcinogenesis and offer novel ideas for clinical treatment.
colorectuminflammation-mediated carcinogenesislatent pathogens trapped in the intestinal collateralsintestinal collateralsdriving away pathogenic factors and dredging the collaterals
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